Impact factor

6 Dec

Writing is a real pleasure.

Been read adds  a thrill to the exercice.

The link below links to a search engine where by typing your name in the search box you will find how many times a paper you have wrote has been quoted.

Thanks to Hervé Maisonneuve: 

Writing support for health researchers

29 Mar

Here below a website aiming to enhance the writing skill for authors in public health domain:

Pre-Publication Support Service (PREPSS) for health researchers

France’s social security scheme for self-employed workers

17 Oct

In addition to the general scheme (salaried workers), the agricultural scheme, and the special schemes (which cover certain specific lines of work), France’s Social Security system also has a scheme for self-employed workers not involved in agriculture. These workers’ compulsory Social Security coverage is provided by the Régime Social des Indépendants (RSI).

Full article from the Centre of European and International Liaisons for Social Security available here:

Routinely reported data

5 Mar

Routinely reported data are typically the sort of data we use when we work on health care insurance data bases. So the article referenced below is very useful and accurate when working on health care insurance data bases.
Thanks to Hervé Maisonneuve Blog for having referenced this article.

Click to access viewerérivée-de-strobe-pour-les-études-sur-des-données-de-vie-réelle.html

Second class or lower

27 Jan

Two Rooms Plus Utilities

Sometimes, it is good to stop, to take a little time to look at yourself, through the eyes of others. It is something I have tried to do throughout my life, but I think, I have reached the point, where I really have to stop doing it. It wouldn’t be a problem if the world understood what living with a chronic illness really means. Today is a perfect example. Today is pancake day, that means I have to spend a large part of it, making my Psyllium pancakes, essential to keeping my internal systems working. I have laid out before the work that it takes, the time that it takes and just how exhausting the whole process is to me. Trust me, this is probably the day in my current life, that has to be carried out frequently, that I hate. Through the eyes of others, it is one of…

View original post 1,327 more words

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2016

20 Jan

algorithms detecting deviant health care use in French Health Insurance databases

11 Nov

French health insurance for salaried executes algorithms on its databases with a public health purpose. The following published articles aim to target potential deviant behaviours or abuses that put at risk the health of the insured.

Patterns of methylphenidate use and assessment of its abuse and diversion in two French administrative areas using a proxy of deviant behaviour determined from a reimbursement database: main trends from 2005 to 2008.

Frauger E, Pauly V, Natali F, Pradel V, Reggio P, Coudert H, Thirion X, Micallef J.

CNS Drugs. 2011 May;25(5):415-24. doi: 10.2165/11587640-000000000-00000.

Select item 206927782.

Which indicators can public health authorities use to monitor prescription drug abuse and evaluate the impact of regulatory measures? Controlling High Dosage Buprenorphine abuse.

Pauly V, Frauger E, Pradel V, Rouby F, Berbis J, Natali F, Reggio P, Coudert H, Micallef J, Thirion X.

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Jan 1;113(1):29-36. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2010.06.016. Epub 2010 Aug 8.

Select item 198204053.

Estimation of clonazepam abuse liability: a new method using a reimbursed drug database.

Frauger E, Pauly V, Thirion X, Natali F, Pradel V, Reggio P, Rouby F, Coudert H, Micallef J.

Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2009 Nov;24(6):318-24. doi: 10.1097/YIC.0b013e328330ae4b.


Assessment of abuse potential of benzodiazepines from a prescription database using ‘doctor shopping’ as an indicator.

Pradel V, Delga C, Rouby F, Micallef J, Lapeyre-Mestre M.

CNS Drugs. 2010 Jul;24(7):611-20. doi: 10.2165/11531570-000000000-00000.


Nervous Nellie

29 Aug


Confession time.

Leaving the bedside as a nurse for a management job was quite possibly one of the worst things I have ever done.

Now that I have returned to the bedside, I feel nervous, anxious, worried, and doubtful. And it sucks. Big time. Things as simple as an IV push medication have become anxiety-provoking. I am afraid I’ll forget something, forget everything, forget to chart a detail, forget to draw a lab, forget my brain at home.

Yes, it’s true. I have forgotten how it feels to be a confident floor nurse.


I have bit my tongue for quite some time about my stint in management, but when I look back upon that brief experience, I don’t have much to feel good about. I felt awful going to work almost every single shift. I never once felt that I was making a difference.

I felt like I was checking boxes.

View original post 245 more words

Libel or alert ?

1 Jul


I have received in my mailbox the message below. The CEO of a French public

hospital would sue one of his Doctor for libel against his institution.

The point is that both the Doctor And the hospital CEO have the same

ultimate goal: to protect the Public Health Service.

They should, in my opinion , try to find a common ground. Filing a lawsuit

or attacking a public hospital in the media are not part of the solution but instead

are parts of the problem.


Below the message tha I have received:

De : alain braillon [mailto:xxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : mercredi 24 juin 2015 17:13
À : Christian M
Objet : le Dr Marescaux poursuivi par son hôpital car il se bat pour la qualité des soins!

Chers tous

C’est est un brillant neurologue (voir PUBMED
Il s’inquiète du manque de moyens pour ses malades avec un AVC!
Son hôpital le poursuit en justice!
Ni le conseil de l’ordre des médecins, ni la Haute Autorité de Santé qui doivent pourtant être concernés, ne semblent agir.

Voici un lien avec son histoire dans Rue89

S’il vous plaît aidez : a) faites suivre; b) laissez une réponse en ligne pour montrer votre soutien; c) ou écrivez lui lui à … etc …
Il y a même une pétition
Merci d’avance
Dr Alain Braillon

re-identification attack

20 Jun

Working on databases we should always be aware of the possibility of a re-identification attack on the data we release in our publications. Such possibilities are in fact very rare because we aggregate  all our data in the  articles we submit to publishers. Nevertheless the odds that our data could be re-identified are to be known. Mathematicians have brilliantly addressed the issue in the article referenced below:

Title: A Game Theoretic Framework for Analyzing Re-Identification Risk
Authors: Zhiyu Wan, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Weiyi Xia, Ellen Wright Clayton, Murat Kantarcioglu, Ranjit Ganta, Raymond Heatherly, Bradley A. Malin

Link to the article full text

Clearly the balance has to be found between on one hand the fines paid for the consequences of privacy violation and on the other hand the gain for authors and publishers in terms of respectively grants,notoriety,transparency, and audience for releasing accurate data and practicing data sharing which is what research is heading toward.