
19 Nov

National Institutes of Health

Image via Wikipedia

How  to communicate Public Health Data to the Public?

The department of health and human services, the National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute are three major official institutions implied in public health in the USA. They publish an interesting document explaining how to communicate scientific quantitative public health data to lay audiences (ie general public, policy makers and press journalists). In the introduction the Office of Communications and Education of the

National Cancer Institute describes the objective of the document as follows: to answer to the question “why should I care?”

To give sense to scientific data is actually a difficult exercise. As a scientist, lay audiences give you an a priori trust which you must not betray. Maintaining the trust between the general public and scientists is a very high ethical responsibility. This book will help scientists to send a message that sounds rationale and clear for the public.

Read the entire report: communicating data to lay audience

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