Tag Archives: legal fiction

Globalisation does not suit to organ transplantation

21 Dec
Surgeons performing an organ transplantation

Image via Wikipedia

Self sufficiency for organs transplantation in each country must be the rule because giving your organs during your lifetime to an unknowned receiver is never altruistic.

The World Health Organisation encourages the countries to be self sufficient in deceased donors for their own needs in transplants. According to the World Health Assembly this is the only way to deter commercialization of live donors between rich countries and poor ones. The World health Assembly advises also the poor countries to advantage deceased donors instead of live donors in the aim to avoid the sale of their organs by live donors. An international steering committee gathered in the Istanbul Summit and published the Declaration of Istanbul on the Organ Trafficking and transplant tourism and commercialism.

Among other, living unrelated donation must be strongly prohibited and the long term follow-up of living donors should be developed for better knowledge of the consequences on their own health status. International authorities should be adamant to prohibit transplant tourism like the Israeli authorities did when they forbade the reimbursement of transplantations that have been underwent overseas.

An entire article is readable here:

Nephrol. Dial. Transplant.-2009-Epstein-357-60

And here are other references:

Delmonico FL. The implications of Istanbul Declaration on organ trafficking and transplant tourism. Current opinion in organ transplantation. 2009 Apr;14(2):116-119. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MOT.0b013e32832917c9.

Delmonico FL, Domínguez-Gil B, Matesanz R, Noel L. A call for government accountability to achieve national self-sufficiency in organ donation and transplantation. The Lancet. 2011 Oct;378(9800):1414-1418. Available from:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61486-4.